

* Founder of Foodiet :

A beautiful evening with all the culinary experts turned out to be the best evening when the British Deputy High Commissioner Dr. Andrew Fleming quoted that my entrepreneur journey is the most inspiring of all when I was 11years old.

I am 16 years old but have been a food Entrepreneur since the early age of 9. I am the founder of Foodiet – A healthy snacking store.

I was inspired by my sister who won the Telugu version of KBC. This ignited a spark in me to be an entrepreneur and execute an idea while at the same time becoming financially secure. I chose food as my base as I was interested in it since I was 6 years old. I wanted to create a healthy snacking store so that children my age can indulge in healthy snacking. I make sure all the snacks are prepared in-house which are organic and healthy. 

My journey as an entrepreneur inspired many fellow students at school preneur summit 2018 (India’s biggest idea pitching event) organized by metamorphosis- a platform for young entrepreneurs, and at the kitchen India expo. I received a lot of appreciation for the food that I prepared which helped me book more orders from both school and private parties. I learned to maintain the consistency in taste and never compromised on the quality of ingredients. I was invited to Hundi Talks- which is a culinary talk show where I was recognized as the Youngest Food Entrepreneur of Hyderabad.

* Project Recycle Bin :

The main purpose of this project is to create awareness on waste segregation from recyclables and process them through appropriate channels. I am proud to share that we utilised used bins from the local factories to serve the purpose. 

I was 8 years old when I participated along with my schoolmates in collecting different recycling materials like paper, plastics, metal over a period of 3 months from our day-to-day usage at home. We learnt about the vendors who process these recyclables and coordinated to sell them. We used the money generated to procure ‘used and prepped’ bins from the local factories. We educated and encouraged our neighbourhood about recycling materials and installed recycling bins for the purpose. This project helped us learn about the circular economy and contribute towards it. 

*Fish Farming

After reviving the local Meedikunta Lake, I took part in this project ‘fish farming’. I learnt about fish seeds and rearing. 

Before & After

The lake was cleaned and restored to its pristine beauty. A bund on all four sides and proper boundaries along with jogging and cycling tracks was established. A clear path surrounding the lake was made, with conventional sanitation standards. We cleared the undergrowth, and stopped open defecation, and removed encroachment. Even amidst the lockdown protocols and a deadly virus spreading terror, our committed team persisted on the completion of the urban lake revival of Meedikunta.

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